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Open Your Heart For On-Going Success

In my research on limiting and propelling beliefs, I found an interesting fact.  There is a fairly high percentage of people who are experiencing a degree of success, but one limiting belief holds them back.  It is as if their taste of success has created for them a roadblock to continued success.  What is this limiting belief?  It is that they believe they know the answers and don’t need any new input into their lives.  They have formed opinions and have closed to ideas that don’t immediately match those opinions.  They believe they are right and anyone who doesn’t agree is wrong.

The most successful people maintain an openness to new ideas, new ways of doing things, and new learning.  They approach different ideas with humility and a willingness to listen before rejecting or coming to judgment.

This ability to remain open comes more easily to certain temperaments.  Individuals who prefer the concrete over the abstract tend to struggle with openness, but they can learn to develop the skill of consideration before rejection of new ideas or methods.  When faced with some new thought or practice, ask yourself how it compares to your experience.  Ask yourself if opening to this idea could hurt you in any way.  If it safe to proceed, move forward and gather more information, comparing the new experience with what you know is true.  Opening your heart will help you discover new paths to success.

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